Anime Explosion

Thoughts on anime, manga, and related aspects of Japanese pop culture. From the author of "Anime Explosion: The What? Why? and Wow! of Japanese Animation" and contributor to Animation magazine.

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Location: Chicago, Illinois, United States

Monday, January 15, 2007

And then there was "Skyland"

What can one say about "Skyland," yet another attempt to bring western-produced animation that tries to look like anime.

To quote Groucho Marx: it's trying. Very trying.

"Skyland" looks like a beta demo of a very derivative computer game. The artwork looks totally unfinished on the characters. The backgrounds are pretty, but they're also wide-open vistas that don't exactly have to emote.

The dialogue? Sounds like it was borrowed from all six "Star Wars" movies. These characters don't have to emote, either.

These days animators have the time, money, talent and software to get it right; so why do they keep missing the target? Or, in the case of "Skyland," miss the room the target is in?